Saved People Serve People
serving is a calling
From stacking chairs to running audio and designing A/V/L (Audio, Video, and Lighting) systems, God has blessed me with the opportunity to serve in various ministries within the local church. Growing up in a Christ-centered family helped to build a strong foundation for me to recognize the importance of serving at an early age. While initially, serving was often ‘just another thing to do,’ God continues to show me that serving is more than just another job, it’s a privilege! It is all too easy to fall into complacency, forgetting the calling that God has placed on each of our lives to serve others – especially when the earthly impact is not always evident. We are all called to serve God (Romans 12:1) and to serve others (Galatians 5:13). While I may not always see the results here on Earth, understanding that there is a higher calling gives purpose to what I do!
serving builds community
While serving can often seem like a grind from an outside perspective, I’ve found that it’s actually the opposite! I’m definitely not a morning person by nature, but nothing gets me more excited than waking up early on Sunday mornings to convert a school to a church where others can Discover Life in Christ! While calling forms the foundation of that excitement, community is the glue that holds it all together. There’s nothing quite like serving with others as an agent to build friendship and groups. More importantly, when we come together to serve as part of God’s calling on our life, we naturally push each other to be more like Christ (Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:24-25). I’ve seen this play out time and time again, and ultimately this has led to many of my closest friends being those that I have served with in the Church.
serving starts conversations
The community that is formed through serving is not just helpful for building relationships – it strengthens my faith in Christ. As Christians, we are called to die to self so that we can bear spiritual fruit (John 12:24). I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve had people ask questions like “Why are you so involved in that church?” or “Why are you so excited about setting up chairs?” My answer always ties back to two common themes, calling and community. But more importantly than just sharing a reason for serving, many of the people who ask that question either don’t have faith, or have fallen away from the Church. This opens the door to start a conversation in which I can share the Good News of Christ with them! This is the most important part!
No matter what role I am serving in, this is my ultimate goal – to be able to share Christ. Some days that may be setting up chairs for people to sit in, other days that may be telling a story through the creative use of lighting, and sometimes it’s as simple as just taking someone out to coffee. While they may not share much in common, all of these are ways that we as Christians can serve each other, and serve our city. To make His name famous from Kansas City to the ends of the earth!
DC Stories: #goals edition// Matt’s Story
January 23, 2019