BLESSED people, BLESS people!
We learned this week that God simply asks us to have a heart of generosity and 3 things that he has given us to bless others-time, talent, and treasure!
Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water.” We have literally experienced this GENEROSITY!
Several years ago, we were nearly broke, and were out of food. We took the last little bit of cash we had, and went to the grocery store, knowing we could only buy enough to get us to the next paycheck. This was an important time to remember Matthew 6:25. After picking up the cheapest brands of several items, and knowing we were close to the end of our cash, we went to pick up some Kool-Aid packets. In fact, it wasn’t even the Kool-Aid brand, it was the cheap knockoff stuff. We picked up several of the lemonade packages, and as we were counting them (at 10 for a dollar), a hundred-dollar bill fell out. We looked at it, and then each other, and back at it. We finally picked it up, and went to check with customer service. They said that a mystery person liked to distribute money throughout the store for people that might need it. Well, we needed it. Holding back the tears, we finished our shopping, not counting the money anymore. When the cashier totaled our groceries, the sum came up to $99 dollars and change. I have no explanation, except to say that it was a God thing. Someone blessed us that day, and we promised to pay it back when we could.
We have recovered from those hard times, and have been able to pay it forward. But the truth is that we’ve always enjoyed giving whatever we could, whenever we could. When Bob was young, his dad asked him to help at a Special Olympics event, and that event lit a fuse for volunteering that has not yet burned out. In a similar vein, my parents were a part of a church launch in St. Joseph, MO. My parents and I gave a lot of effort, and I haven’t stopped yet. Over the years, we’ve given time to charity events, coaching children’s sports teams, teaching children’s and youth groups at various churches, and now serving in Volunteer HQ, Prayer Team, and on the worship team here at Discover Church. We truly believe that by giving time and effort, we can impact the lives of others in a positive way. Just a few weeks ago at Discover, I was able to pray with a young boy who was ready to accept Christ!
We haven’t always been consistent tithers, but we have discovered that, even in the times when we had next to nothing, God always came through when we gave to him. He’s put us in a position now that we can give back to him more consistently; in fact, he has blessed us recently which will allow us to give more.
BLESSED people, BLESS people. And we’ve been blessed so many times throughout our lives, we are thankful for the opportunity to bless others.
— Melanie and Bob Post
DC Stories: #goals edition// The Posts’ Story
January 31, 2019