General Questions

What happens to my money when I give to Discover Church?

The beauty of the church is seen when His people do together what they could never do apart. Your giving is able to accomplish abundantly more for the kingdom when combined with the gifts of others in the church and helps equip Discover Church to fulfill the vision the Lord has given.

We faithfully steward your gifts with humility and reverence through oversight from our board and an external accounting firm.

Is Discover Church a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization?

Yes, Discover Church is a U.S. not-for-profit and meets the tax exempt requirements of a 501 (c) (3) per the internal revenue code.

What is the difference between tithing and giving?

Tithing is the biblical principle of giving the first fruits (10%) of all He has given you back to Him.

Giving is a generous offering that goes above and beyond your regular tithe.

Giving History and Annual Giving Statements

Where can I find my giving history?

You can view your entire donor history from the Donation History tab in the Church Center App. 

Select your photo or initials in the top right corner of the page, and then select My giving.

You can view your donation history, recurring donations, payment methods, notification preferences, pledges, and statement information from the mobile app and web browser.

How can I get my annual giving statement?

You can view and print/save your giving statements from the statements tab in the Church Center App. 

Select your photo or initials in the top right corner of the page, and then select My giving.

Click on the Statements tab to view your statement.

How can I update my personal information?

You can update your personal information in the Church Center App. 

Select your photo or initials in the top right corner of the page, and then select My profile and settings. 

You can update your contact and profile information from there.

Ways to Give

What are the ways I can give?

There are many ways to give at Discover Church

  • Cash and checks can be given at any Discover Church location.
  • Give digitally through credit or debit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and your bank account.
What is the difference between recurring and one-time gifts?

Recurring Giving

  • Recurring Giving is the tool we use to schedule your gifts to process on a regular basis.
  • When you set up a recurring gift through Discover Church, you’re choosing to consistently invest in the life-change that happens here.
  • Recurring Giving Options:
    • Weekly
    • Twice-Monthly
    • Monthly

One-Time Gifts

  • A One-Time Gift is a single gift that only processes when you initiate or schedule it.
  • One-Time Gifts can be given immediately or scheduled for a future date but will only process once.
How can I manage my recurring giving?

You can manage your recurring giving from the Recurring Giving tab in the Church Center App. 

Select your photo or initials in the top right corner of the page, and then select My giving.

On the mobile app, you can select a recurring donation to edit the amount, fund, payment method, or schedule, as well as pause or delete the donation.

How can I give by check?
  • Checks can be given at any Discover Church location or by mail using our Central Office address below.
  • Please make checks payable to Discover Church
  • Mailing Address: Discover Church Office 8400 NW 107th Terr, Kansas City, MO 64153

Questions about giving? We're here to help!

We’re grateful for your generosity! We’d love to share more about what it means to tithe, where your gifts go, and answer any questions you have about giving at Discover Church.