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Thank you for considering employment at Discover Church.
One of our primary goals in HR is to identify and bring on board exceptional individuals who align with the calling and vision of Discover Church.
When hiring, we look for four essential qualities: character, culture, competency, and chemistry. We seek individuals of strong character who are wholeheartedly following Jesus, living out their faith with boldness, . Culture is about more than just fitting in—it’s about deeply understanding and championing our vision to see our city changed by Jesus, one life at a time. Competency ensures that candidates have the skills and abilities needed for the role, while chemistry reflects their ability to collaborate and build meaningful relationships within our team.
Job postings remain active throughout the hiring process and are removed once the selected candidate begins their role. If an applicant’s qualifications, submitted through the Online Application, align with our current needs, they will receive an email notification. Those who do not meet immediate requirements may be kept on file for up to one month.
Discover Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment requires a declaration of Christian faith and agreement with our Statement of Beliefs. As part of our commitment to building a team that fully embodies our mission, priority consideration is given to active members of Discover Church. We are looking for people who live out our values—those who Follow Jesus by putting their full trust in Him, holding nothing back, and saying "yes" to His call. Those who Love Well, relentlessly pursuing people and going above and beyond to extend the grace and truth of Jesus. Together, we are engaging with people far from God and equipping them to become who He created them to be.